About Us

Welcome To PSS

PSS is a third party banking technology and Services Company owned by six private banks i.e  Awash Bank, Nib International Bank, Hibret Bank, Berhan International Bank, Addis International Bank, and Cooperative Bank of Oromia.

  It was established in 2009 by three banks, i.e.Awash Bank, Nib Bank and Hibret Bank, to save the high investment cost of the modern payment platform and deliver electronic payment services to financial institutions with a shared system. 

It commenced operation officially on July 5, 2012 with 165 million Birr.

PSS is the first Third Party Payment Processor to be certified by the National Bank of Ethiopia. 

PSS went operational in July 2012 with its three founding member banks and latter on three more banks joined taking the advantage of opportunity availed by PSS.


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Member Banks

Call to Action

15th Annual General Meeting

The 15th Annual general meeting will take place in the presence of share holders and invited guests at Hilton Hotel on November 19,2017 E.C starting from 10:00 Local Time

3rd party payment processor

PSS serves as a third party payment processor to its member banks. PSS has made its system certified by VISA, Master Card and Union pay, the biggest card association in the world. Hence, members connected to PSS network can issue and acquire cards with these brands


0 B+

ATM Withdrawal Transactions Processed(ETB)

0 M+

ATM Withdrawal Transactions Processed

0 M+

Payment Cards Personalized

0 +

POS Terminals managed